Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Colon, Panama

At last, I'm in exotic Colon, Panama. I've been excited about Colon for two reasons. Firstly, the temperature will be a relaxing contrast from the icy streets of Grindavik.

The second reason I'm excited is because right off the coast of Colon is an ocean on "ocean" subduction zone. This means an oceanic plate is sinking beneath another oceanic plate.

Well, kind of. The reason I say "ocean" is because the Panama plate is not fully an ocean plate.It has an odd density, and so its not regarded as a continental plate, nor is it an oceanic plate. To simplify things, however, I just called it ocean-ocean subduction. Some results of this include deep sea trenches, volcanic island arcs (above), and as usual, earthquake activity. My current coordinates are 9°21'30.97"N  79°54'0.12"W. I hope to report back soon.

© U.S.F. 5068-
-Longevus et prosperabitur-

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