Tuesday, May 14, 2013




This is the E-Diary of Captain Herrington. The United Space Fleet has sent me to traveled back to the year 2013 to record how society functioned and the world worked. My goal is to fill missing patches in our sense of history. Due to personal interests, I've created this E-Diary to record my observations on the fault lines of the Earth, and the things happen around them. Wish me luck on my journey. Henry out.


© U.S.F. 5068-
-Longevus et prosperabitur-

Flores, Indonesia

I find myself in Flores, Indonesia (8°21'25.48"S 120°34'22.91"E E). This small Island is home to many beautiful beaches.

 I must remember to write about beaches in the Space Fleet report... Anyways, a Transform Boundary runs throughout the entire island, even crossing through a house.A transform Boundary is when two plates rub against each other. This particular Transform Boundary is a result of the Timor Plate and Sunda Plate rubbing against each other. After talking to a few locals (who were repelled by my Star Fleet uniform), I have concluded that high magnitude earthquakes are frequent here. I will report back later. Henry out.

© U.S.F. 5068-
-Longevus et prosperabitur-

Grindavik, Iceland

I have just arrived in Grindavik, Iceland. It is a quaint little town and promises lots of information about the 21st century human. But that's to write about later. Anyways, running straight through Grindavik I found a divergent boundary.   

 Divergent boundaries are where two plates are pulling apart from each other, in this case, the North American plate and the Eurasian plate. Because this is a divergent boundary, earthquake  and volcanic activity are common here. My current coordinates are 63°50'43.10"N 22°26'16.16"W. Henry out.


© U.S.F. 5068-
-Longevus et prosperabitur-

Colon, Panama

At last, I'm in exotic Colon, Panama. I've been excited about Colon for two reasons. Firstly, the temperature will be a relaxing contrast from the icy streets of Grindavik.

The second reason I'm excited is because right off the coast of Colon is an ocean on "ocean" subduction zone. This means an oceanic plate is sinking beneath another oceanic plate.

Well, kind of. The reason I say "ocean" is because the Panama plate is not fully an ocean plate.It has an odd density, and so its not regarded as a continental plate, nor is it an oceanic plate. To simplify things, however, I just called it ocean-ocean subduction. Some results of this include deep sea trenches, volcanic island arcs (above), and as usual, earthquake activity. My current coordinates are 9°21'30.97"N  79°54'0.12"W. I hope to report back soon.

© U.S.F. 5068-
-Longevus et prosperabitur-

Mt. Everest

The Space Fleet has generously provided me with a personal hovercraft, so the journey to the top of Mt. Everest was fairly effortless. I find Mt. Everest an appropriate place to end my journey, because, well... just look at it!

 I view at Mt. Everest as the pinnacle of nature's achievements.

It is awe invoking that over so many years, the Earth can produce something so... big. Mount Everest is a clear marking of the collision boundary between the Indian and Eurasian Plates. A collision boundary is when two continental plates(both "low" density) crash or collide into each other. Neither sinks, so over the years, the two plates just keep smushing together. The products of this are mountain ranges like the Himalayas, and also earthquake activity.
Apparently 21st century humans pride themselves in climbing this mountain. I wonder how they would react if they knew about the Rheasilvia central peak they'll soon climb on planet Vesta. My current coordinates are 27°59'16.18"N 86°55'30.11"E. I think I will miss earth, and the 21st century. Thank you for reading, and for the last time, Henry out.

© U.S.F. 5068-
-Longevus et prosperabitur-

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